art, digital, music, sound-art
My character lives in a tangible and intangible world, at the junction of virtual and real space. Through sound and performative practices, self-identification takes place in the real world, and in the digital space through motion design and video art.

But the basis of creativity remains oil painting and graphics.
Music/sound art
this is ADHD music
Kartrika creates in a unique genre of ADHD music. This is the sound at the junction of hyperpop and noise, combining melodic and roaring, comedic and tragic. Her live performances are like a roller coaster ride: Kartrika moves from animalistic improvisation to Gregorian chorales, and after them switches to art-pop and back.
Digital art
collaboration with @jorikboy and @AnastasiyaNurkh
Oil paint
About me
Hi! My name is Natasha and I am a multidisciplinary artist. I work at the intersection of electronic music, sound and sound research, performative practices and digital art (digital graphics, motion design and digital objects). But the basis of my work remains oil painting and graphics. Since childhood, I have loved to draw a world of forests, shadows and darkness with psychedelic mermaids and unknown entities.

The fulcrum of my work is a self-portrait, a look at myself and passing through the world and life around me on the one hand, the personal experiences of a woman on the other. This is a constant process of merging with the outside world and, conversely, disidentification, entering the position of an observer and completely immersing in the moment.
For me, self-portrait is a universal formula of self-reflection, which is constantly evolving and transforming. My character lives in a tangible and intangible world, at the junction of virtual and real space. Through sound and performative practices, self-identification takes place in the real world, and in the digital space through motion design and video art.But the basis of creativity remains oil painting and graphics.

Also, within the performative practice, Vj-art is often used, combining broadcast from the camera and video art, broadcast on top of the performance. Thereby exploring the categories of space and body in the digital and material world, merging them, where some parts disintegrate, others reunite, complementing each other.

Through digital imaging, I explore the mixing of nature and machines in the human body, the mutation of individual parts, organs or the entire body as a visual image of immersion in the information environment, in the code space of modern people.

All the author's projects have a dynamic nature, endless transformation and reassembly of personality and space.
Exhibition with me
White Cube
Pop Surrealism Exhibition
AZ Gallery
The exhibition "The Forest of gloomy pedipalps" Performance.
Not found gallery
Collective exhibition "Dark raid"

IKhodynka Gallery.
Еhe exhibition "Frequencies 4.0". A series of performances “Apophenia/Plaque on the glass”
Contact me
I am always glad to have collaborations, projects and reviews of my work!
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